Arduino: A Quick-Start Guide, 2nd Edition

Arduino: A Quick-Start Guide, 2nd Edition

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Book description

Arduino is an open-source platform that makes DIY electronics projects easier than ever. Gone are the days when you had to learn electronics theory and arcane programming languages before you could even get an LED to blink. Now, with this new edition of the bestsellingArduino: A Quick-Start Guide, readers with no electronics experience can create their first gadgets quickly. This book is up-to-date for the new Arduino Zero board, with step-by-step instructions for building a universal remote, a motion-sensing game controller, and many other fun, useful projects.

This Quick-Start Guide is packed with fun, useful devices to create, with step-by-step instructions and photos throughout. You'll learn how to connect your Arduino to the Internet and program both client and server applications. You'll build projects such as your own motion-sensing game controller with a three-axis accelerometer, create a universal remote with an Arduino and a few cheap parts, build your own burglar alarm that emails you whenever someone's moving in your living room, build binary dice, and learn how to solder. In one of several new projects in this edition, you'll create your own video game console that you can connect to your TV set.

This book is completely updated for the new Arduino Zero board and the latest advances in supporting software and tools for the Arduino. Sidebars throughout the book point you to exciting real-world projects using the Arduino, exercises extend your skills, and "What If It Doesn't Work" sections help you troubleshoot common problems.

With this book, beginners can quickly join the worldwide community of hobbyists and professionals who use the Arduino to prototype and develop fun, useful inventions.

What You Need:

This is the full list of all parts you'd need for all projects in the book; some of these are provided as part of various kits that are available on the web, or you can purchase individually. Sources include,,,, and Please note we do not support or endorse any of these vendors, but we list them here as aconvenience for you.

Arduino Zero (or Uno or Duemilanove or Diecimila) board

Pack of LEDs (at least 3, 10 or more is a good idea)

Pack of 100 ohm, 10k ohm, and 1k ohm resistors

Breadboard jumper wire / connector wire

Parallax Ping))) sensor

Passive Infrared sensor

An infrared LED

A 5V servo motor

Analog Devices TMP36 temperature sensor

ADXL335 accelerometer breakout board

6 pin 0.1" standard header (might be included with the ADXL335)

Nintendo Nunchuk Controller

Arduino Ethernet shield

Arduino Proto shield and a tiny breadboard (optional but recommended)

Piezo speaker/buzzer (optional)

Tilt sensor (optional)

A 25-30 Watts soldering iron with a tip (preferrably 1/16")

A soldering stand and a sponge

A standard 60/40 solder (rosin-core) spool for electronics work

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Table of contents

  1. Arduino: A Quick-Start Guide, Second Edition
    1. Copyright
    2. For the Best Reading Experience.
    3. Table of Contents
    4. Early praise for Arduino: A Quick-Start Guide, Second Edition
    5. Acknowledgments
    6. Preface
      1. Who Should Read This Book
      2. What’s in This Book
      3. Arduino Uno and the Arduino Platform
      4. Code Examples and Conventions
      5. Online Resources
      1. Starter Packs
      2. Complete Parts List
      1. Chapter 1: Welcome to the Arduino
        1. What You Need
        2. What Exactly Is an Arduino?
        3. Exploring the Arduino Board
        4. Installing the Arduino IDE
        5. Meeting the Arduino IDE
        6. Hello, World!
        7. Compiling and Uploading Programs
        8. What If It Doesn’t Work?
        9. Exercises
        1. What You Need
        2. Managing Projects and Sketches
        3. Changing Preferences
        4. Using Serial Ports
        5. What If It Doesn’t Work?
        6. Exercises
        1. Chapter 3: Building Binary Dice
          1. What You Need
          2. Working with Breadboards
          3. Using an LED on a Breadboard
          4. First Version of a Binary Die
          5. Working with Buttons
          6. Adding Your Own Button
          7. Building a Dice Game
          8. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          9. Exercises
          1. What You Need
          2. Learning the Basics of Morse Code
          3. Building a Morse Code Generator
          4. Fleshing Out the Morse Code Generator’s Interface
          5. Outputting Morse Code Symbols
          6. Installing and Using the Telegraph Class
          7. Publishing Your Own Library
          8. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          9. Exercises
          1. What You Need
          2. Measuring Distances with an Ultrasonic Sensor
          3. Increasing Precision Using Floating-Point Numbers
          4. Increasing Precision Using a Temperature Sensor
          5. Creating Your Own Dashboard
          6. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          7. Exercises
          1. What You Need
          2. Wiring Up the Accelerometer
          3. Bringing Your Accelerometer to Life
          4. Finding and Polishing Edge Values
          5. Building Your Own Game Controller
          6. More Projects
          7. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          8. Exercises
          1. Writing a GameController Class
          2. Creating the Game
          3. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          4. Exercises
          1. What You Need
          2. How Analog Video Works
          3. Building a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
          4. Connecting the Arduino to Your TV Set
          5. Using the TVout Library
          6. Building a TV Thermometer
          7. Working with Graphics in TVout
          8. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          9. Exercises
          1. What You Need
          2. Wiring a Wii Nunchuk
          3. Talking to a Nunchuk
          4. Building a Nunchuk Class
          5. Using Our Nunchuk Class
          6. Creating Your Own Video Game Console
          7. Creating Your Own Video Game
          8. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          9. Exercises
          1. What You Need
          2. Using Your PC to Transfer Sensor Data to the Internet
          3. Registering an Application with Twitter
          4. Tweeting Messages with Processing
          5. Communicating Over Networks Using an Ethernet Shield
          6. Using DHCP and DNS
          7. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          8. Exercises
          1. What You Need
          2. Emailing from the Command Line
          3. Emailing Directly from an Arduino
          4. Detecting Motion Using a Passive Infrared Sensor
          5. Bringing It All Together
          6. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          7. Exercises
          1. What You Need
          2. Understanding Infrared Remote Controls
          3. Grabbing Remote Control Codes
          4. Cloning a Remote
          5. Controlling Infrared Devices Remotely with Your Browser
          6. Building an Infrared Proxy
          7. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          8. Exercises
          1. What You Need
          2. Introducing Motors
          3. First Steps with a Servo Motor
          4. Building a Blaminatr
          5. What If It Doesn’t Work?
          6. Exercises
          1. Appendix 1: Electronics and Soldering Basics
            1. Current, Voltage, and Resistance
            2. Electrical Circuits
            3. Learning How to Use a Wire Cutter
            4. Learning How to Solder
            5. Learning How to Desolder
            1. The Arduino Programming Language
            2. Bit Operations
            1. Learning More About Serial Communication
            2. Serial Communication Using Various Languages
            1. What Are Google Chrome Apps?
            2. Creating a Minimal Chrome App
            3. Starting the Chrome App
            4. Exploring the Chrome Serial API
            5. Writing a SerialDevice Class
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            Product information

            • Title: Arduino: A Quick-Start Guide, 2nd Edition
            • Author(s): Maik Schmidt
            • Release date: January 2015
            • Publisher(s): Pragmatic Bookshelf
            • ISBN: 9781680505221