License: Structural Engineer

Fees: Application: For current fee schedule, please refer to the Board's website at Examination Requirement: 16-hour National Council for Engineers and Surveyors (NCEES) Vertical Forces & Lateral Forces Structural examinations and the California state specific examination (under development). Renewal (currently every two years): For current fee schedule, please refer to the Board's website at Examination Frequency: Semi-Annual (April and October) examination cycle. For final filing dates see our website: Exam Locations: Statewide at designated locations. See our website: Experience Requirement: Three years of responsible charge experience in structural engineering after licensure as a Civil Engineer, except for persons who have been operating under an exemption or have been practicing in another state or country. Applicants must have a valid, unexpired license as a Civil Engineer in California. See website: Average Time to Process Application: Up to sixty days. Authority: Business and Professions Code, Chapter 7, Section 6736.

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