Community Policing : A Contemporary Perspective

Community Policing: A Contemporary Perspective, 8th Edition, provides comprehensive coverage of the philosophy and organizational strategy that expands the traditional police mandate of fighting crime to include forming partnerships with citizenry that endorse mutual support and participation. The first textbook of its kind, Community Policing delineates this progressive approach, combining the accrued wisdom and experience of its established authors with the latest research-based insights to help students apply what is on the page to the world beyond.

The book extends the road map presented by Robert Trojanowicz, the father of community policing, and brings it into contemporary focus. The text has been revised throughout to include the most current developments in the field, including discussions of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing and "Spotlight on Community Policing Practice" features that focus on real-life community policing programs in various cities as well as problem-solving case studies. Also assisting the reader in understanding the material are Learning Objectives, Key Terms, and Discussion Questions, in addition to numerous links to resources outside the text. A glossary and an appendix, "The Ten Principles of Community Policing," further enhance learning of the material.

An excellent resource for any undergraduate Policing curriculum, this textbook is also suitable for introducing graduate students to the principles of community policing.

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CHAPTER 2A History of Communities and Policing LegislativeAdministrative Programs References Departments Outreach Program Community Policing and Fear of Crime References CHAPTER 8Problem Solving and Policing Problem Spaces Methods for Identifying Problems Burglaries Colonial Law Enforcement in Cities and Towns Frontier Justice Police Reform in the 1930s Initial Attempts to Reach the Community The Birth of Community Policing References CHAPTER 4The Police and Community Perception Excessive Force References CHAPTER 5Managing and Implementing Community Policing Impediments to Implementing Community Policing Meeting with his Command Staff Tactical Planning and Operations Step 1Performance CHAPTER 6Community Policing and Crime The Traditional Police Effort The Dynamics of Serious Crime Community Policings Strengths Police Problem Solving Why Police Departments Do Not Engage in Problem Solving CHAPTER 9Community Crime Prevention Situational Crime Prevention CHAPTER 10Community Policing and Drugs Police Drug Strategies RetailLevel Enforcement Efforts Aimed at Juveniles CHAPTER 11Community Policing and Distinct Populations Their Community Outreach Community Policing and Gang Intervention Programs Policing the Mentally Lightning Rods of Racial Tension CHAPTER 12Toward a New Breed of Police Officer Resistance to Community Policing Changing Traditional Police Culture References Principles of Community Policing

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Об авторе (2020)

Victor E. Kappeler, a former police officer, is a Foundation Professor and Dean of the School of Justice Studies at Eastern Kentucky University. He is recognized as a leading scholar in such fields as policing, media and the social construction of crime, and police civil liability, among other related fields. Dr. Kappeler continues to provide in-service training for police officers and is well published in professional areas of policing. Among many other honors, Kappeler received the 2006 Cabinet for Justice and Public Safety Award for Academic Excellence, the 2005 Outstanding Criminal Justice Alumnus Award from Sam Houston State University, where he earned his doctoral degree, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Critical Criminology.

Larry K. Gaines is Professor and Chair of the Criminal Justice Department at California State University, San Bernardino. He served as the Executive Director of the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police for 14 years and has consulted with a variety of police agencies in Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, and California. Dr. Gaines has served as Secretary, Treasurer, and President of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. He has received many awards, including the Founders Award from the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, the Outstanding Educator Award from the Southern Criminal Justice Association, and the Outstanding Service Award from the Police Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. In 2001, he served as a member of the California POST Committee that developed police training curricula for racial profiling.

Brian P. Schaefer is Assistant Professor in the School of Criminology and Security Studies at Indiana State University. He has collaborated with a variety of police agencies in Kentucky and Indiana on problem-oriented policing, body-worn camera implementation, police training, and cybercrime projects. He previously worked as a research associate at the Southern Police Institute (University of Louisville) and currently serves as a Commonwealth Scholar at the Commonwealth Institute of Kentucky (University of Louisville) and a research fellow at the National Center for Spectator Sports and Security Center (University of Southern Mississippi). He is the recipient of the Educational Excellence Award in Research at Indiana State University.

Библиографические данные

Название Community Policing: A Contemporary Perspective
Авторы Victor E. Kappeler , Larry K. Gaines , Brian P. Schaefer
Издание: 8, иллюстрированное
Издатель Routledge, 2020
ISBN 0429674953, 9780429674952
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 638
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan