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Great News! The Colorado General Assembly has reinstated funding for the Senior Property Tax Exemption (a/k/a Senior Homestead Exemption) for tax year 2024, payable in 2025.

The Deadline to apply for tax year 2024 payable in 2025 is July 15th!

In November 2000, Referendum A, also known as the Senior Homestead Exemption Act, was approved as an addition to the Colorado Constitution. The Act took effect as of January 1, 2002, for property taxes payable in 2003 and will remain in effect every year hereafter. Specifically, the Act grants an exemption (reduction) up to one-half of the first $200,000 in market value from property taxes for a qualifying residential owner, if funding is available.

If the program is not funded, but you meet the qualifications, you are encouraged to apply and be placed in the system for future funding.