Living by Chemistry (LBC) is a full-year high school curriculum that incorporates science practices with a guided-inquiry approach. LBC’s innovative curriculum offers much more than traditional programs. To help engage students of all levels, the curriculum provides a variety of learning experiences through text, activities, discussions, games, demos, lectures, labs, and individual work.
To fully implement the LBC program student textbooks must be ordered. NYC DOE Schools can use ShopDOE item number: 90295623X to order student textbooks. The complete set of teacher and student resources will be provided complimentary with a class set purchase, including the Teacher’s Resource Flash Drive, ExamView Test Bank, and Teacher’s Edition textbook. These teacher resources are an essential part of the program.
Alternatively, you may order directly from Bedford, Freeman & Worth (BFW) by submitting a purchase order (PO) to your BFW sales representative or their processing warehouse. Schools may use this method to order hard copy textbooks as well as order access to BFW’s digital platform, SaplingPlus, which includes online homework and an accessible, interactive e-book. Price quotes of class sets have free resources listed. Sample price quote for book and digital.