Downloads & Resources

Core Rules Printable | w/ Book Cover - Constructed with the three core rulebook parts above into one easily printable package. Be sure to check out the custom book cover as well! If you're looking for the complete rulebook with lore and art, see below. Thanks Christian I.

Annual 2002 Printable - Similar file to the Annual 2002 hosted above, but heavily color corrected and formatted to be more print friendly (and thus a larger file). Should be used if you want to print your own copy of the Annual.

Complete, Raw Editable Rulebook - Core rulebook same as above that contains official errata & fluff, high quality pictures and completely editable. Perfect to have if you're making your own Mordheim documents or on the hunt for lore! Thanks to Lauri K. and Andras G. for providing this treasure.

Living Rulebook - Published in 2004 on the 'GW Specialist Games' site (which at the time was Fanatic). At this point in time this document is heavily redudant since the Raw Editable Rulebook above exists, and is simply here for archival purposes. Does not contain errata.

- New Content From Tuomas Pirinen

These are a collection of additional rules created by Tuomas and published on the Mordheim Facebook group. For some links, you may need to be logged into Facebook. Be sure to check out his Gaoler under Hired Swords, and Luthor Wolfenbaum under Dramatis Personae too!

"As some of you know, one of the things I really wanted to include in the original release of Mordheim was a a map-based campaign that would give players way to see their campaign progression and to make it easy to determine victory and loss conditions for any given campaign. I really regretted that I did not have time to develop it the first time around."

"Many people expressed interest in the Child of Light concept in the Mordheim 20 years presentation, so I thought I'd whip some gameplay ideas together for her."

"This PDF contains the beta rules and fluff for Tuomas's Cursed Cavalcade Warband."

"I was going through my old rules notes for Mordheim (looking for my ship-to-ship fighting designs) whenI found these experimental rules I wrote for Witch Hunter Warbands for rousing rabble to fight with them, and I thought people might like to see these, so I decided to clean them up a bit and post them for all to see."

"I made these rules for the original rulebook but in the end I felt guilty for giving such toys to my own Witch Hunters and cut them from the final manuscript -people already grumbled about them having too much. However, some of you might enjoy using these rules."

- Publications

Complete collection of the Mordheim Town Cryers!