Percentage of completion method

The percentage of completion method calculates the ongoing recognition of revenue and expenses related to longer-term projects based on the proportion of work completed. By doing so, the seller can recognize some gain or loss related to a project in every accounting period in which the project continues to be active. The method works best when it is reasonably possible to estimate the stages of project completion on an ongoing basis, or at least to estimate the remaining costs to complete a project. Conversely, this method should not be used when there are significant uncertainties about the percentage of completion or the remaining costs to be incurred. The estimating abilities of a contractor should be considered sufficient to use the percentage of completion method if it can estimate the minimum total revenue and maximum total cost with sufficient confidence to justify a contract bid.

The ability to create dependable contract estimates may be impaired when there are conditions present that are not normally encountered in the estimating process. Examples of these conditions are when a contract does not appear to be enforceable, there is litigation, or when related properties may be condemned or expropriated. In these situations, use the completed contract method instead.

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Methods for Calculating the Percentage of Completion

In essence, the percentage of completion method allows you to recognize as income that percentage of total income that matches the percentage of completion of a project. The percentage of completion may be measured in any of the following ways: