The Board of County Commissioners consists of the individuals elected in 13 districts to represent you. Because our government is strengthened by civic participation and increased involvement from our citizens, our website offers information to help bring Miami-Dade County government closer to you.
Use this Legislative Search to locate the record(s) desired. Any search query can be used, from Resolution Number or Requestor to File Type or Title.
Available reports include Meeting Attendance, Voting Record, Matter Requester, Matter Sponsor and Legislative Index.
The Commission Auditor works on the fiscal operations of County departments and makes findings as to whether the fiscal and legislative policy directions are efficiently and effectively implemented.
The Office of Community Advocacy coordinates events and initiatives, promotes productive community relations and cultural understanding for a better quality of life for all County residents.
The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs ensures that Miami-Dade County's legislative agendas at all levels of government are properly prepared, effectively communicated and adopted in a manner that benefits our community's needs.
The International Trade Consortium addresses issues affecting international trade, assists staff in yearly measurable objectives, program priorities, and recommends the agency's budget for consideration by the Mayor and County Commission.
The Board of County Commissioners' (BCC) Media Division is the communications link between the Board of County Commissioners and residents. The division is available to direct media inquiries, arrange interview requests, coordinate public records requests and supply commission-related materials to the news media.
The Office of Policy and Budgetary Affairs (OPBA) provides budget, management, and policy support to the Board of County Commissioners.
Protocol prepares appropriate official awards and documents for formal presentations encompassing a vast assortment of functions of local, national and international consequence.
The Chamber Gazette is a quarterly publication and community outreach tool created and produced by the Division of Media of the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners.
The general public can watch Miami-Dade County meetings on webcast when available. To provide comments at a meeting, the public can either attend the meeting in person or leave a voice message on a phone number listed in the meeting notice on the County calendar or legal advertisement. Watch Meetings
The Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners established the Miami-Dade County Women’s Hall of Fame in 2021 to recognize and honor women who have improved the quality of life of individuals and communities throughout Miami-Dade County. The Hall of Fame honors women who have made significant contributions to the improvement of life for women and for all residents of Miami-Dade County and preserves the legacies of important women whose contributions to Miami-Dade County should not be forgotten.